Transfer of call data from remote locations
Call data processing
Callculation of exspenses with recalculation if date is less than today
Expense control of GSM gateway trafic or external links
Analysis and control of VPN trafic
Adjusting of parameters for remote telephony equipment, locations
Company structure implementation for cost alocation
Uo to 8 levels of structure.
List of internal numbers and telephone directory generation
Telecom tariff table generation, plain text or graphical design
List of CAS users with level of access
Other parameters (authorization codes, account codes, grouping of calling numbers, monitoring of called or calling numbers)
Analysis of trafic and call expensis per telephone system
Analysis of invoices per telecom operators
- Anylysis of call usage per internal telephone
Expenses per called number
Expenses per mmostly called numbers
Grouping of expenses according grouped called numbers
Expenses per authorization codes
Expenses private - official calls
History of calls
Detailed list of calls for extension or user
All reports printable on printer (reports in PDF format)
Report distribution by e-mail
Fully web based application no need for client installation
Independed of operational sistem
Drill-down reports for user or group
Users can generate personal reports
Presentation of trafic and cost per internal number
Presentation of trafic and cost for departement or profit center
Reporting of calls sorted by price, duration, location of call, used trunk, dialed number, tariff zone
Cost report based on date range
Consolidated expenses for operator
Group expenses by destination
Report have detailed list of dialed number, time of call, price; or can be limited only to show accumulated cost bt no call details
Reports can be limited on seleceted departement with itemized or sum listo of calls
No limit in number of departements
Cost control of GSM gateways or VoIP trunks
Comparasion of different operators "what IF" analize
Connection to e-mail server; SMTP
Automatic distribution of reports in PDF
Formated reports for additional prosessing XML; CSV
Automatic reporting with timed triger; daily, weekly, monthly..
Report delivery to remote servers, single or grouped for archive or distribution
Real time call monitoring for test or maintenance
Integration with exsisting systems LDAP, ODBC, SOAP
repert presentation HTML, CSV, XML format
Call abuse tracking